The REVIVE 5.0 project focuses on investigating emotional intelligence (EI) as an important asset for HR management to secure the transition of SMEs to the Industry 5.0. The project aims to develop an innovative VET programme to equip HR Managers in SMEs with the necessary EI skills and competences to manage the transit of their workforce to Industry 5.0.

The role of SMEs in economic development is recognized globally and strategies are being developed to ensure long-term prosperity, particularly with the vision of Industry 5.0. Transitioning to this new industry requires a change in organizational culture, with HRM being crucial in rethinking business models and practices. This project aims to investigate how emotional intelligence (EI) can aid this transition and proposes a VET training model for HR managers to develop EI skills and competences. The project involves six organizations from different countries collaborating to build a future-oriented VET program to support the professional development of HRM and enhance their employees’ EI skills in line with Industry 5.0.

Enhancing the capacity of SMEs and VET organisations to deliver more relevant and advanced training and learning approaches.

This will be achieved through the following steps:

  • Investigating the impact of EI on HR management in transitioning SMEs to Industry 5.0. EI is essential for developing a healthy work culture, promoting collaboration and effective communication. It also benefits employee mental health, providing tools and support for managing stress and challenges. Furthermore, EI can be used to encourage innovative ideas, giving SMEs a competitive edge in the Industry 5.0. Focusing on employees and fostering a cultural mindset of generating new business opportunities is key for SME success.
  • Developing a training programme for HR Managers in SMEs on EI skills and competences to manage their workforce during Industry 5.0 transition. The programme will cover topics such as emotional awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills, and provide practical strategies for recognizing and responding to emotions in others and managing relationships.
  • Providing HRM with work-based learning opportunities to better understand the challenges and opportunities of the 5th industrial revolution, develop sustainable and human-centric practices, and prepare for the future. It also focuses on learning about emerging technologies and promoting their ethical and responsible use for the benefit of stakeholders.

Concrete results

  • An EI Competences Model for HRM: Research on the emotional competencies that could affect the HRM practices to secure the transition of the workforce of SMEs to the Industry 5.0

  • An Innovative VET training curricula & material for HRMs and piloting activities

  • An eLearning portal

  • A digital interactive game


  • Increasing awareness about Industry 5.0 and the need for SMEs to start transitioning towards this new model.

  • Improving EI competences of HRMs of SME to facilitate the transition towards Industry 5.0

  • Transferring best practices and experiences, guidelines and recommendations on how to train HRMs’ EI skills

  • Engaging policy-makers and decision-makers on the need to prepare SMEs to transition towards Industry 5.0

  • Encouraging VET organisations to upgrade their training curricula in order to include elements of EI to better prepare the future workforce to the challenges and opportunities brought about by Industry 5.0